“I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” Isaiah 43:19

This is a brilliant thing to be grateful for today. Sometimes I have looked at my life and thought there is no way that I can ever see how some things were going to change. Wilderness and desert are pictures of barrenness and a lack of fruitfulness. We all know what that is like.

This is where God’s grace and love are amazing. God is in no way limited by your circumstances. He makes things happen when it seems completely impossible. He looks at a desert and says I can make a river flow there. He looks at your circumstances and sees something completely different. He is the God for whom nothing is impossible.

As we all start this year the Lord wants you to stop looking at life through your own eyes and with your own estimation. Your Father is not limited so ask Him to show you how your life can be turned around and allow His love to build faith up in you. Start to believe and declare today that “impossible situations” are turning around in your favour and that this year is a breakthrough year. No more replaying the same old scenes but instead the Lord unfolding His love and grace into your every day living. Start today!
