'Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil.' Psalm 23:4

When our son was 3 months old we were told he had meningitis (meningococcal septicaemia), the consultants in the children's hospital told us he had one hour to live. Through the love and support of our friends and family we made a decision to believe God and watch him live and not to entertain fear. It didn't mean that we didn't experience fear it meant that we trusted only God’s truth and recognised fear as a lie.

One of the most interesting encouragements we received at that time was Psalm 23. A number of people came to the hospital with the same revelation about this psalm and that was that it wasn't about death it was about life!  I WILL FEAR NO EVIL!!

Sometimes we can mistakenly associate this psalm with death and funerals, when it is really about how Jesus overcomes death. Our son is now 21 yrs old and is living a long and prosperous life because God heals and is not subject to the natural order of men. Jesus sustains our lives he is our life support.
