"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

If you have ever driven a car when abroad on holiday you'll know it requires some extra patience and care navigating your way around a foreign country that you're not familiar with. Finding your way to a hotel from the airport in rush hour traffic can be a real test of anyone's patience and grace!

Thankfully these days it has become a lot easier due to the wonders of sat-nav. The technology still impresses me. The reassuring voice telling us which way to go brings comfort on the busy roads. And if a wrong turn is made, the voice doesn't ridicule or give up on us, the program simply recalculates a new route and calmly points us again in the right direction.

God has a journey planned out for our life, one that leads to us fulfilling our potential and experiencing joy and peace in our life. That path may not be the quickest, but God knows the best route that we need to take to prepare us for our destination. We are free to walk whatever path we choose, but life is found when we follow Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us. When we make wrong turns he is still with us; he will never leave us. Like a sat-nav, a new route is calculated that will allow us to reach the destination He has planned for us.

No matter how far you think you've gotten off track with God or believe you've missed your calling, God has never given up on you. He is always making a way for you to find your true destination. Just keep listening to his voice.
