‘Search for the Lord and for His strength; continually seek Him’

Psalm 105:4 (NLT)

Did you ever get a good school report? Or a favourable annual appraisal from your boss? I’m sure it made you feel great – that you had been rewarded for your hard work and recognised by someone whose opinion you valued.

We always live in the favour of God – His love for us never falters – even when we do things we regret. Our challenge is to believe that truth and then live as if we do. It’s all about our standpoint. Reading God’s word, spending time in prayer and surrounding ourselves with other believers who encourage us – will reinforce that truth and adjust our perspective. 

Challenges become opportunities to allow God to work in your life and bless you in ways you never imagined.

As you look at your life this morning don’t be discouraged – God loves you – passionately, uncompromisingly – be strong in that truth today!
