"We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon You." 2 Chronicles 20:12b

I recently had to manage a difficult situation in work; feelings were running high and after a few months with no resolution it looked as if things could escalate.  Two final meetings had been arranged, I had prepared my arguments and briefed the other managers who were going to be there.

That morning I prayed before I left for work and handed the situation to God.  I asked the Holy Spirit for wisdom, insight and for peace in the room.

The first meeting started, what a change, there was openness and willingness to compromise. The next meeting was the same; I had blocked out two hours in my diary and I was out in 30 minutes with agreement and resolution on all sides.

God has gifted us with natural abilities but that doesn’t mean He intends for us to go it alone.  He’s interested in your job more that you are, including those difficult colleagues you wish would go away! 

As you go into work this morning it’s easy to think we have to sort everything out – but we really don’t.  That morning I skipped out of those meetings praising God for a solution that was better than my best case scenario, rejoicing that His eyes were upon me.
