"you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows" Ps 23 v 5

When we rest, when we hand over control of our destiny and align ourselves to receive from the top down nature of God. In this position we find that we end up with a wealth of blessing. God loves order and structure. It’s often through this structure and order that we can discover his heart for us.

When we do this we find that there is an overflow of blessing that we can operate from. Like the boy who came with his 5 loaves and 2 fish, there were 12 baskets left over at the end. Jesus used the boy's gift and sacrifice and blessed it repeatedly until there was a great overflow that could be used to bless others.

What have you been blessed with today that allows you in turn to bless those around you? The sooner we realise that blessing is not to be held on to but rather a position we are given to bless others the sooner we will realise the beauty of the kingdom. It’s not about what we can acquire but what we can give away.

Today I encourage you to rest in the glorious overflow of the King and then in turn discover who you can share this with. You’ll change someone’s life if you simply rest and listen to the heartbeat of Heaven.
