“ I will keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken”. Psalm 16:8

Over the past few months God has been speaking to me about keeping my eyes on Him despite the circumstances of life. Sometimes it’s hard as we can let our mind and emotions run away with us causing us to imagine all sorts.

I’ve been meditating on this verse and during hard times have been just resting and keeping my eyes on Him and am thankful for breakthroughs and opportunities to share testimony of His goodness and faithfulness. When we keep our eyes on Him, we can begin to see situations through His eyes. If we have a sickness in our body, He sees us as healed. If we are under attack from the Enemy, God sees him as defeated.

If you are struggling with sickness, worrying about an unsaved friend or family member, or trouble at work this week, fix your eyes on Him and see your situation through His eyes. He sees you complete, made whole and beautiful, lacking nothing
