She replied, “Wait, my daughter, until you learn how the matter turns out, for the man will not rest but will settle the matter today.”Ruth 3:18

My wife has a name that resonates with a biblical character and we find many parallels between her and her namesake. But she has a verse that encapsulates how she approaches many things in life and it’s the one at the top today. Wait until you learn how the matter turns out. Ruth had to do the waiting but everything else around her was moving even if it was imperceptible to her.

I’ve talked this week about how I hate enforced rest and find it incredibly hindering but it truly is in waiting and observing that we can see God working for us.

Father God continually works everything for our good, His word tells us so (Rom 8:28). The dreams, the plans, the hopes, the projects begun that suddenly stop with no reason- everything has been part of the plan for working life out for the good of his children. All we need to do is wait and see how he will work it out for us.

We don’t need to rush God; we don’t need to force his hand. If you’ve longings and desires you’ve shared with Father God and you feel nothing is happening, don’t lose heart! Your time is coming! In fact you know that when a God given dream becomes reality, the well of your ability and aptitude overflows! Joy abounds and excitement resonates as his time and his purpose are fulfilled!

Never, ever give up on God’s purpose! Wait and see how the matter turns out!
