Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Grace develops my inner trust.

I’m not overly trusting, I have what some might say is an acquired type of negativity or cynicism that goes beyond healthy. A lack of trust breaks bridges, ruins relationships and in the end leaves people apart and alone. Despite an early “conversion” I had really just taken God’s words to be good intentions or warm wishes to his children.

But when we read words like “I will never leave you or forsake you” we really can hold on to them like an anchor in a storm. Daddy God wants us to trust him with our lives, our future, our hopes and our dreams. He has everything in his control, working things out for our good.

We live in a fallen world where many terrible atrocities occur. We ask where is God in these situations? But despite all the occasions where human free will enters the scene, we know that God who is in control of the whole tapestry sees the beginning from the end.

Today, begin to think about taking Daddy God at his word. He has a plan, a hope and a future for each and every one of us where his glory and his goodness can be magnified.
