Little things can make a big difference. In fact, each one of us has a very special gift – the ability to be a blessing and make an impact in someone else’s life. 

I think so many times we believe the little things don’t matter, or that we don’t have enough to offer. But time and time again, I have witnessed God take ‘a little thing’ and use it to transform an entire situation.

I first walked into exchange a broken person, unaware of God’s unconditional love, acceptance and grace. I viewed myself as tainted and unworthy. God heard my heart as he gave a word to a church member one night, who is now one of my best friends – ‘God wants you to know that he sees you as a diamond, and although that diamond may be tarnished and dull, it is still as precious in Gods eyes’. This was the beginning an amazing God lead journey for me, resulting in me progressing into youth ministry.  

I believe that God is waiting for his people to bring him into situations of discouragement, when people feel unloved and neglected. Because nothing shows people God’s love more than when you hold their hand through a difficult situation. 

I want to encourage you to speak out if God is whispering to you about someone’s heavy spirit or dark situation.  Never underestimate your ability to show them Jesus in you through encouragement and giving. Jesus encouraged us to ‘live sacrificially for our fellow believers’ 1 John 3:18 MSG. 

I am sitting here knowing gods heart for me, encouraged to pursue his plan and purpose all because someone stepped out in love for me. I challenge you to make love your focus. Be determined to be that person that helps someone in their dark time by showing them the love and compassion that God holds for them. Pass on the light.

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