"Concluding (see Romans 4) then that our righteousness has absolutely nothing to do with our ability to keep the moral laws, but that it is the immediate result of what Jesus accomplished on mankind’s behalf. This gives context to faith and finds expression in unhindered friendship with God! Jesus Christ is the head of this union!"

Romans 5:1 (Mirrior Bible - Francois du Toit)

I came across this verse in this translation a couple of months ago, and since it has really set fire to my heart and brought a new level of reality to how I walk out my daily relationship with Jesus.

In this verse in the original Greek, the word “eirene”, normally translated as peace, has been translated as “unhindered”. Below this verse in the Mirror Bible, Francois unpacks the scripture and expounds on the original meaning of the word “eirene”. He drew a comparison that stopped me in my tracks. The word “eirene” refers to a dove tail joint in carpentry. The dove tail joint looks like this:

dove tail.png

This simple comparison renewed my perspective on how I related to God. This is what Christ died to give us, Christ died to “re-unite” us with God. It is in this that we realise the relationship that we have been birthed into. No longer are we separated from God, no longer is He far off and out of reach, He is in us and with us always. Now hear me out, we are not God, and apart from God not one bit of this is possible! We are united with Him, but not God. 

When we grasp that God made it this simple for us, when we get rid of formulas and religion from our lives, and rest in the simple fact that Christ paid it all, finished it all and placed us in His rightful place, it is then that we will see Heaven manifest its self, effortlessly, on Earth.

This is the beautiful reality of the finished work of Christ.

"your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."

Matthew 6:10
