Matthew 6:10

“your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”

I work in the world of computers and digital technology which is really all about simple logic. And the logic here is undisputable – when we pray we should pray for his good and perfect will to be done on “earth” - in our lives, our family's lives and even our country. The implication is that just because something happens on earth doesn’t necessarily mean that it was God’s will. We all know that heaven is a place free from sickness, free from pain, free from loss. So, let’s be crystal clear, the will of God for us on earth right now is no sickness, no pain, no loss. Wow!

And Jesus is asking us to agree with him that His kingdom, where the good and perfect will of God prevails, advances and it starts with us – “your will be done, Lord”. So then we can remain and rest in Him safe in the knowledge that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. The most amazing good news is that we can relax, He’s got it all covered!
