…For even if the mountains walk awayand the hills fall to pieces,My love won’t walk away from you,my covenant commitment of peace won’t fall apart.  Isaiah 54:10 (MSG)

In the next couple of months I will be 55.  The prospect of retirement is starting to enter my thinking.  For many this thought is terrifying as so much of their identity is in what they do, rather than who they are.  For me, it’s the complete opposite – I see it as opening up amazing possibilities to do new things and start a new chapter of my life.

What is the mountain in your life today? What is propping up your self-confidence? Is it your family? Your children will leave home one day. Maybe it’s your job? You working life will eventually end.  Your good looks? Well – we all get older!  If we know that the bedrock of our existence is Christ – He is the one thing that never changes no matter our circumstances – if we’re rich or poor, fat or thin, employed or retired – He’s solid, secure and trustworthy.

Committed to our well-being, Christ is dedicated to bringing peace to our hearts and is unrelenting in His favour towards us.

At the start of the week God wants to remind you of all these things so that you can face the week ahead in the sure and certain knowledge that whatever the future holds He’s in control and He’s got it sorted!
