we went through fire and through water, but You brought us out into a broad, moist place [to abundance and refreshment and the open air].Psalm 66:12b


A few years ago I took part in the Moonwalk in Edinburgh.  This is a marathon walk that raises millions for breast cancer charities.  The unusual thing about this walk is that it starts at midnight so you are literally walking by the light of the moon! It was a great experience but the last 5 miles were a real challenge and I can honestly say I was feeling every single step of those last few miles.  Then all of a sudden the finishing line was in sight and my pace quickened, we crossed the line to cheers of encouragement and with the morning sun shining on me I lay down on wonderful grassy field – I’d made it!

Are you facing a marathon challenge this morning?  Is the finishing line nowhere to be seen? What is your ‘fire and water’ – illness, depression, unemployment, debt? The race isn’t over. Your story isn’t finished.  God is cheering you on to the finishing line, don’t give up, He hasn’t!

God has His gaze firmly fixed on you and is bringing you to a place of abundance.  He hasn’t forgotten about you and knows exactly what you need today, tomorrow, next week.  Embrace His presence in the middle of your storm and He will lead you out victorious.
