“ Because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.” Rom 8:2 NIV

The law of the Spirit supersedes the laws of the Old Testament. For the law of The Spirit has set us free from the law of sin and death.

Living a life built on God’s love, acceptance and grace does not mean living without law; but rather following a better law. Not a law that tells you what you have been doing wrong, but one that leads your heart to be like Jesus. The law of The Spirit is the law of love. We are constrained because of love to obey the God who first loved us. We are inspired by His love in our hearts to not only love ourselves, but to feel and show love to others; even those who have deeply hurt us.

The Spirit of God works in the hearts of people to bring us new birth, to grow His fruit of love in our hearts and to make us more like Jesus each day as we seek to be filled by Him. It is He who gives us the power to love those who have wronged us and to forgive them as we have been forgiven. It is His love within us that fills us with compassion for the broken and leads us to help.
