You are a Child of God

But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.

John 1:12

Following on from yesterday, with new life came new status.

You are now a child of God.

Think about what that short statement means. You are now under God’s protection and care and He will provide for you and meet your needs. As with any good parent, He wants to see you grow and develop, to know and experience fullness of life and He will encourage and guide you at every stage. He will never leave or abandon you. He is your healer. You can approach Him at any time, share with Him openly what is on your heart and partner with Him as He continues to build His Kingdom here on earth. You are now part of His family, so you will also share in His inheritance which, unlike earthly riches, will never fade or pass away.

All this because of believing in Jesus.

Amen! How amazing is that?
