Blessed are those whose strength is in you, in whose heart are the highways to Zion.” Psalm 84:5

My youngest daughter has a favourite phrase at the minute. In fact the whole house knows it because she says it from morning until night. If you have kids you may recognise it..." I can do it myself!"
Being the youngest I think she feels she needs to continually remind us all that she is getting bigger and more independent. Despite sometimes wishing she would just let me help her when she insists on closing the car door to reopen it herself in the pouring rain, on the whole I am happy she is growing and developing into her own wee person.
It's funny how our Christian walk however should go in the opposite direction not a path towards independence but a journey of ever increasing dependency on our Heavenly Father.
For some of us this can go against our learnt patterns of behaviour. We may have struggled in school, or had critical parents and that has formed us into people with a "can do” attitude. Maybe when others haven't believed in us we felt driven to prove them wrong. The downside to this is that we become self-reliant. We battle in our own strength. Unfortunately, as most of us learn on life's journey, there are battles that cannot be won by sheer determination and brute force.
God never designed us to be solo pilots. We were built for partnership. Relating everyday to the one who created us, believes in us at all times and to whom we have nothing to prove!

Learn to trust his strength and allow him to lead you today.
