Planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God.  They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green.  Psalm 92:13-14

As we enter this new season in our church, our heart is that you will flourish in all areas of your life.  Our new GROW model focuses on four core areas – encountering Jesus, growing in his love and favour, discovering your God given destiny and then thriving as you fulfil your purpose.

We read in the Psalms that those who are planted in God’s house will flourish, they will be full of vitality, even in old age.  The New Testament house of the Lord is the church, we are his body, he no longer lives in a house made with hands, he lives in us and therefore the importance of being part of a local church cannot be underestimated when it comes to thriving.

Last year we spent some time in John 15, where Jesus explained that he was the vine and we were the branches, all we have to do is abide in him and we will bear much fruit.  The branch cannot bear fruit of itself but when it abides in the vine fruit comes naturally, no effort required.  Our desire as a church is to help you connect to God, to help you get rooted and grounded in his love and grace, to help you stop trying and start trusting and to see you excel as you find your purpose in him.

Today, put deep roots down and let his life flow through you, he gets better results!
